Thursday, July 10, 2014

Team Meeting #2- "Out of Your Comfort Zone"

It's kinda fun to see God bring 20 people together.  Then watch them unite in a common goal. It's an amazing process. I think each time we have our team meetings, the unity slowly forms.

Our most recent team training was at "Casa de Lee." In other words, our team came over our house. But before we fed them, we sent them all out on a mission.  Each group was assigned to complete 5 tasks.  Each task was designed to break folks out of their comfort zone.

1. Give away a loaf of bread to the needy
2. Hug someone or shake their hand
3. Build a human pyramid in front of an eating establishment
4. Match as a group in some way
5. Entire group has to take a picture in a Banos

A few teams found it hard to find the "needy" in the Cupertino area. 
But Noah's team managed to bless someone.

Apparently, Starbucks not only has coffee, but friendly staff who gives hugs and handshakes.

Human pyramids are hard too when you have only three people. 
Someone has to take the picture.

I was thinking matching Team T-shirts, but I guess matching Bucket Hats work too.

I was hoping for a Porta-Potty but a Men's Restroom will do.

---Aunty Grace---

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